Friday, August 20, 2010

on the anticipation of an end

The Boy and I have a lot of (ahem) cool hobbies.

Sometimes we spend the weekends watching the Game Show Network. Sometimes we drink at karaoke bars. Sometimes we play Rock Band. If we're feeling really crazy, we might venture into the city to do some shopping.

Our most exciting hobby, however, is that we spend a great portion of our time reading the Harry Potter series. Out loud. Together.

(to clarify, I do all of the reading and he just listens).

All sarcasm aside, this practice has become one of my favorite things we do. It's fun to have someone to share the books with (I had already read the first five, but we started the series from the beginning to read together) and it's exciting to discuss what we've read and to try to predict what will come next (which we do. a lot. even in public.). We take the book on long car trips (and sometimes even on short ones). We bring it along when we go on vacation. We read before bed and on lazy weekends and while we wait for dinner to cook and when there's nothing worth watching on the Game Show Network (IT HAPPENS. I know you're surprised.).

But there's a small wrinkle in sight.

Last weekend we started Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows--book seven in the series. Which also happens to be the final book in the series. Which means once we finish this book (which will likely happen in the next few weeks) this two year project (maybe longer?) will be over. And then what will we do? Attend social events with friends? Pfft. Unlikely.

So we're on the hunt for the next series. And now I need your help.

We've perused the shelves at Borders trying to find the winning books. We've used for inspiration (ummm, Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss? really?). But we still don't really know what we should go for.

So help, please! What's an awesome series that you've read lately? Or heard amazing things about? What would fill the Harry Potter void? 

(And, for the record, it can be Harry Potter-like in nature or not...We're open to ideas and variety...)


  1. why are you limiting yourself you a series? you would have so many more options if you were just looking for books in general

    i say go for kurt vonnegut but i know youve already read a good chunk of his stuff.

    you could look into the the classics theyve been re-doing like pride and prejudice and zombies [i forget what the others are]

    christopher moore writes some really funny books and a couple of them are in a 2-3 book series
    his book lamb is really good

    i fell off the reading train like two years ago [when i moved to minot ::cough, cough::] so im struggling with this thought process at the moment

  2. Individual books are a possibility...the series thing is just easier because once we find something awesome we can just keep picking up the next book until we're done. The challenge becomes finding something that can hold both his attention and mine. Tricky business.

    But hurray for suggestions!

    I've noticed you stopped updating on Goodreads. Not that I'm stalking your or anything. Ahem.
