101 in 1001

101 goals in 1001 days

1. Attempt at least three of the dietary theories discussed at IIN for one week each.

2. Make a vision board.

3. Read 60 books. [4 of 60]

4. Reach 400 blog posts.

5. Finish Nathan's scarf.

6. Pay off all credit card debt.

7. Find ten new musical artists/groups/etc. that I enjoy.

8. Clean out my car and keep it that way.

9. Win NaNoWriMo.

10. Get a massage.

11. Be able to do a pull up.

12. Complete NaBloPoMo.

13. Establish a weekly workout routine (and complete it successfully for three months straight).

14. Go to a karaoke bar.

15. Attend a cooking class.

16. Visit the farmer's market at least five times.

17. Use only reusable shopping bags for a month.

18. Read the entire Harry Potter series. [6 of 7]

19. Watch all of the Harry Potter movies. [5 of 7]

20. Fly somewhere.

21. Switch to cruelty-free toiletries.

22. Send out five care packages.

23. Learn to use Photoshop.

24. Go to a drive-in movie.

25. Try five new restaurants. [2 of 5]

26. Have a green smoothie every day for two weeks.

27. Write a short story.

28. Own an actual bed.

29. Try five new wines. [2 of 5]

30. Try sushi again.

31. Learn a new craft and complete one project.

32. Actively keep up with the news.

33. Learn to make 15 new mixed drinks.

34. Try wheatgrass.

35. Buy and actually use a day planner.

36. Learn to meditate and do so daily for two weeks.

37. Go on a road trip.

38. Go to a pro sporting event.

39. Relearn as many ASL signs as possible (and actively practice them).

40. Host a party where everyone dresses up.

41. Visit an aquarium.

42. Get CNHP certification.

43. Own 5 bra/panty sets.

44. Stretch daily for two weeks.

45. Host three themed parties.

46. Get CPR certified.

47. On day 500, plan 1001 Day celebration.

48. Complete program at IIN and become a certified health coach.

49. Try ten new foods.

50. Learn how to shoot a gun.

51. Have all my Christmas shopping done before December one year.

52. Learn how to drive stick-shift.

53. Learn more about Greek mythology.

54. Sort belongings and seriously declutter.

55. Take more photos at social events.

56. Apply more of my health/wellness knowledge to my own life.

57. Get involved in a community service project.

58. Get a passport.

59. Do a fun dance or fitness class.

60. Track list progress on blog.

61. Attend five lectures or seminars on interesting topics. [1 of 5]

62. Reload all music onto iTunes.

63. Donate $5 to charity for every goal not completed.

64. Buy two pairs of jeans that are the correct size.

65. Decide on future living arrangements.

66. Watch 26 new movies that begin with each letter of the alphabet.

67. Visit three museums.

68. Start a new career.

69. Sort clothing and donate items I don't wear.

70. Try Thai food again.

71. Try five new dessert recipes.

72. Try five new entree recipes. [1 of 5)

73. Try five new other recipes.

74. Learn how to use chopsticks.

75. Go internet free for one weekend.

76. Do angel tree one Christmas.

77. Go to a concert.

78. Make homemade granola/energy bars.

79. Go to a fondue restaurant.

80. Get car's oil changed every 3000 miles three consecutive times.

81. Submit my taxes early (instead of waiting until the very last second like usual).

82. Send out a monthly newsletter for twelve consecutive months. [3 of 12]

83. Talk to the gynecologist about non-hormonal birth control options.

84. Learn to read tarot cards.

85. Make up all of the old swaps I failed to finish.

86. Learn to hard boil eggs properly.

87. Private Goal

88. Be able to run a mile without stopping.

89. Be able to run two miles without stopping.

90. Learn basic web design skills.

91. Read five new Bukowski books.

92. Private Goal

93. Attend the midnight showing of a movie.

94. Organize my Google Reader.

95. Do a three day detox.

96. Future goal (to be added after graduating from IIN).

97. Future goal (to be added after graduating from IIN).

98. Future goal (to be added after graduating from IIN).

99. Future goal (to be added after graduating from IIN).

100. Future goal (to be added after graduating from IIN).

101. Hold 1001 Day celebration with Jenny.