Friday, August 13, 2010

on goals. because I have those now.

In January, a friend and I created our lists of 101 Goals in 1001 Days (inspired by the Day Zero project).

Though I initially jumped in excitedly with all kinds of big plans as to how I would tackle all of these goals, the list then became promptly neglected. Now I have almost eight months behind me since the creation of the list and I think it's time to buckle down and make some progress.

The list (and my progress) can be viewed at the 101 in 1001 tab at the top of the blog, but now that I've (ahem, finally) looked it over again, I think some explanation could be helpful for some of the goals.

For example:

Goal #4: Reach 400 blog posts.

Initially I'd planned to accomplish this entirely on my old blog, which now sits at 211 posts (what was I even writing about?!), but since that is now abandoned I will carry out the remainder of the post requirements on this page. So once this is published, I'll have 213 posts down and just 187 to. No problem. Right?

Goal  #5: Finish Nathan's scarf.
Two years ago, Nathan requested a red and gold "Harry Potter scarf" as his Christmas present. And he got it--sort of. I learned some very basic crochet skills but couldn't finish it in time, so I wrapped up the foot-long scarf-in-the-making and assured him that I would finish it promptly.

Like I said...That was two years ago.

Goal #8: Clean out my car and keep it that way.
I am the queen of car neglect (see Goal #80 for more evidence). Anyone who has ridden in my vehicle knows that it's not only impossible to fit anything in the trunk, but that the backseat is usually a lost cause too. Guess how fun it was when I got a flat tire and had to empty the trunk to access the spare tire? SO FUN.

Goal #28: Own an actual bed.
When I moved out on my own, I realized I didn't own an actual bed. I have a futon-type-couch-thing and a twin-sized mattress pad (which sits on the floor), but no actual bed. Turns out beds are expensive! (who knew?).

Goal #83: Talk to the gynecologist about non-hormonal birth control options.
Hormonal birth control and I are not friends. It seems to be a huge contributor when it comes to my issues with migraines, but it also just made me feel "off" all around. I hope to talk to my doctor soon to discuss alternative options.

Goals #96-100: Future Goals (to be added after IIN graduation).
I knew that I wanted to have some goals that related to my new career endeavors, so I left some flexibility in here. I should be certified as a Health Coach in September (though I'm already practicing with a limited number of clients now), and which point I'll start developing some new goals around my work.

Now that I've revisited the list (and, you know, remembered that it exists) I'll be making more of a priority to give it attention.

Do you have a similar list of goals? What goals are you working on this week?


  1. Thanks for your comment! I too made a 101 things in 1001 days and my poor list is pretty much gone. The thing is I change my mind with the goals so it's difficult to follow. Maybe I should look back and see.

  2. i should look into non-hormonal BC too... i noticed while i stopped taking my BC bc the ex was overseas and there was no reason to be taking it i wasn't getting as many headaches... now that im back on it i've noticed they've started making a return! EEP!

  3. Love the list - I'm inspired! And I love the title and subtext of your blog. Underachievers unite!

  4. I made a platform bed with my grandpa because I didn't want to pay for bed . . . so that's always an option to concider. It wasn't nearly as hard to do as I thought it was going to be! Promise!
