Monday, August 23, 2010

on really being more of an ideas person

I'm spending my morning procrastinating. Epically.

More and more, I'm realizing that I'm more of a planner than a do-er. I like to come up with ideas. I like to start projects. I like to think about how awesomely the project will go down.

But when it comes time to do it...I choke. And then I start the process of Avoiding It At All Costs. I come up with 800 other things to do and reasons why I suddenly can't work on it. I take small parts of the project and spend way too much time focusing on them and not getting the important stuff done. And I think about other, more exciting projects that I could start instead.

Of course, I then spend the last two days before the project needs to be completed panicking. Such is life.

Today I'm avoiding preparing for a health workshop that I'm presenting on Wednesday. I have a lot to do. I have very few of the specific details worked out (you know, little things like what I'm going to actually say at the workshop). And yet I'm spending my morning writing a rambling blog post.

Such is life.

Are you more of a "planner" or a "do-er"?


  1. I'm way more of a "planner" than a "do-er" and I'm desperately trying to change that. For years, I've been saying that I want to go to grad school. I have a list of all the things I need to accomplish before I apply, I get excited about them, and then I procrastinate. Its a horrible endless cycle.

    With some luck and determination, we change! I know it!

  2. im mostly a planner... but im a little of both... but NEVER at the same time. oh well?
    if it were possible i would probably have a masters in procrastination. unfortunately i have no degree in anything bc i have no motivation and dropped out of college like a winner! yaaaay!

  3. I love to plan, but I love to do. I think I'm a balance of the two? I don't know.
