about me

My name is Paige. I'm 23 years old. 

Here are 23 things:
  1. I'm a nanny, health coach, and I sell sex toys. These endeavors are kept quite separate and I like to pretend they make me well-rounded.
  2. I'm mostly a vegetarian and have been for about 10 years. I say "mostly" because I've eaten poultry and fish occasionally. I try not to put too much pressure on myself to eat "perfectly" all the time.
  3. I have a lot of fears and most of them involve animals--especially octopi.
  4. Four is my favorite number.
  5. I'm afraid of the ocean. Partially because of the octopi. But also for about 800 other reasons.
  6. I think I might be sensitive (allergic?) to almonds.
  7. I love Bill Murray.
  8. I check my email obsessively. Sometimes I intentionally delay responding to emails because I'm embarrassed by the fact that I'm in front of my computer so much.
  9. I used to get migraines a lot. Now I only get them occasionally.
  10. I pick up a lot of short-term interests. I can be very into something for a period of time and then drop it completely. Usually it will be revisited several years later.
  11. I love macaroni & cheese and I will eat almost any variety, boxed or not.
  12. I don't have any tattoos, but if I did it would be similar to this.
  13. I write lengthy, rambling emails. I also love to receive them.
  14. I read sporadically.
  15. I rarely panic.
  16. I love little notebooks.
  17. I've always wanted to do NaNoWriMo, but I'm not sure I'm creative enough.
  18. I'm big on ideas and planning but terrible at follow-through.
  19. I do not enjoy the winter. At all.
  20. I always remember birthdays but I never prepare gifts in time. In fact, six months can easily go by before I get my act together and give a very belated birthday gift. It's kind of embarrassing.
  21. I'm weird about people being in my personal space.
  22. I consider a bowl of mashed potatoes a complete meal.
  23. I procrastinate. A lot.
Absolutely dying to know more? (ahem.) 
Email howunremarkable [at] gmail [dot] com.